I like your free website.
Please keep working!
Turn on AdBlock to kill
the free websites you like!
Just 2 clicks:


  • Pause
  • Options
  • Always run on this domain
  • Help

Nobody likes ads but they are extremely easy to get rid of!
Without advertisments free websites won't have any income and nobody will bother to spend money and time to create any content and maintain a site.

Make sure you always have your adblocker on so that creators get NO money.

Keep AdBlock!
Kill small creators!

For Developers ยป


Obligations of the Creator

  • Create valuable content
  • Update the website regularly
  • Pay for the domain name
  • Pay for uninterrupted servers
  • Promote the website
  • Do search engine optimization
  • Learn and use the latest technologies

The creator mustn't display too many or misleading ads.

Tasks for the Visitor

  • Enjoy the website
  • Be unfair and keep AdBlock